Online Forms

New Client Form

We are thrilled that you are considering Bedford Veterinary Medical Center to provide care for your beloved pet. To ensure that we can provide you and your pet with the highest level of care, we kindly ask you to fill out our new client/patient registration form in its entirety.

Fill Out Online Download Form


Boarding Reservation Request Form

Please note that this form does not act as a boarding reservation. If you are planning to board your pet with us, please ensure that you have already made a reservation before completing this form. The information provided in this form allows our team to have all the necessary information in advance of your pet’s stay.

Boarding Reservation Form     


Daycare Evaluation Form

Daycare is a service designed for social dogs to play and have fun. Safety is our primary goal; therefore, daycare is not for every dog.

Daycare Evaluation Form    


Daycare Reservations Form

Book your reservation today! Daycare is a service designed for social dogs to play and have fun. Safety is our primary goal; therefore, daycare is not for every dog.

Book a Reservation